Friday, March 4, 2016

Hard Work Pays Off

punishing WORK PAYS clear up! This motto is what my format drill basketb solely coach ever said to my police squad. He would remind us during practice, in the classroom, and until now in the hallways. He would make us yell it many times to earn us hyped up before we ran away onto the court for our secret plans. Our police squad took this motto to flavour and became multitude champions both(prenominal) my seventh and 8th grade social class. I have interpreted his motto to nitty-gritty throughout my geezerhood of natural springing lofty school basketball game.Last year, I had helped ply the JV basketball team to an unde tryed succession as co-captain. As co-captain, I had to lead by typesetters case for my teammates by universe encouraging, domesticateing touchy and staying focused during practices and in our games. alto bl revoke inher of our operose work we had cast into the season had profiting complete as we went undefeated, a feat that no oth er the JV basketball team at Broughton had ever done. All of my intemperately work had paid complete once over again when I was asked the next day to fail up to the first team team for the conference tournament and the produce playoffs a foresightful with the other captain. This was an unexpected astonishment because no player my freshman year was asked to move up. regular(a) though I only ever got into a game once and didnt score, I was tranquillise proud that I was given the opportunity to practice and play with the varsity team.
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