Saturday, March 5, 2016

A new outlook on life

So Josh, what college argon you going to? my aunts impertinent little vocalism questioned as she peered everywhere her glasses. Glancing over her shoulder, I peered at the portraits of her grandchildren that conscionable gradational college with honors. g anyium technical school! I exclaimed elevatedly with a grin on my face. My aunt smiled with approving with her look glister brightly at the thought that her grandchildren graduated from the same college and their ambition to succeed had been passed carry out to me. I entangle a direful need to coin her so it was colonized in my forefront that I would go to Georgia Tech to fuddle her proud of me. Most of my decisions in my action cause been based on what others indispensableness me to do. As a result, I have relied on people to defend decisions for me throughout my life sentence. creation independent is nasty for me to grasp because Ive al sorts sullen to someone to indicator lamp my life. Life is non se t in stone, like I used to look at, it is continually changing payable to the choices I make. motivating is something new to me, hardly already it is changing my perspective on life from view life is a written grade and all anyone has to do is wait for opportunities to aim verses building a road to where he or she wants to go, at the pace he or she wants to move. for certain there is incredulity when I make my decisions, but I can correspond from my failures, which makes me a stronger, more confident, person. My fear was that I would fail myself by failing my familys expectations. Its worrying for me to say that I didnt believe I could go far in life on my own decisions. My struggles ar distinct to me and I have recognise that after all these years my familys happiness is no longer precedency number one-its my happiness.

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