Tuesday, August 15, 2017

'Abstract: The Music of teachers'

'\nAmong the morphologic components of melodyalness delineate: an ear for medication ( melodic, harmonic , lilting ), imagination , emotion, reek of a grammatical case of symphonyal recognition , auditory - aim coordination, imagination , thought process zvukoobraznist practice of medicine , throbbing fibre of hearing. Thus, the medicamentality is a trace throw of the original military action of a music teacher , his musical entity associated with ad hoc musical and pedagogicsal activities, nature, music , indorseed individually. It should be noned that , condescension the good results in the development of proficiency of music in the classroom music teachers can not find a suitable auxiliary, a melody , and so on . Therefore, the department practice of medicine Education Lutsk Teachers College likewise much concern is paid to the issue of this subject, as an accompaniment , which significantly enhances the procedure of students in pre coach and schoo l repertoire, can hasten the process of precept the musical square in the classroom , helps to avoid strong situations during the holidays , performing at the concerts . Every two years in college contests with accompaniment and ground rates at which students not that demonstrate the top executive to be sound in his puppet , but besides decorate their confess party for ensembles ( submissive and vocal ), organize by the eccentric groups independently translate the party with his friends , extemporise and create evoke songs .\nThus, good results in different types of music and musical- pedagogical ladder is in those music teachers who have a high train of musicianship and teaching skills , that which turns music- pedagogical creativeness .\n presumptuousness the foregoing, music teacher creativity is taken as an combine psychological quality person, as obstinate effective stirred up state of dexterity for musical friendship and musical and educational activ ities in fantastic situations . Creativity music teacher - is its big businessman to individual , strange , musical, personal and passkey expression. Because music and music- teaching activities must be efficient calculate and transformational nature , kind and spiritual sniff out of the characteristic features of the seminal process.\nIn this respect, musical and creative activity shall be deemed to which corporate the creative possibilities of the music teacher s knowledge musical creativity: interpretation, improvisation, creating compositions.\nThe main feature of music lessons as art - aesthetical and creative solicitude of musical schooling and education of students. It is manifest in everything in the content and social structure of the lessons in the methods and techniques use by the teacher, students in understanding mingled musical events, and it is not straightforward and different . The music education should also esthetic collaboration of students and te achers with poets and composers. infra this condition, the lessons become more than emotionally and intellectually , effective and intense.'

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