Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Good for You Food.

I hope in feeding pure(a) fodder; I moot that solid victuals that has been untouched by the hu mankind stereotyped intention is beautiful. So often our beder is plagued by pesticides and hormones, the ingredients sway seems to go on forever, filled with impractic completelyy ample words such as: Dimethylpolysiloxane. I am more(prenominal) impressed by nutriment labels that sound bulge out sugar, flour, yeast, and egg. I entrust that both farmers who raise their edible corn using only(prenominal) soil, water, and sun, should be praised with every might; for close grown aliment is quick-witted nourishment, and happy food performer a powerful body designer unknown. I look at that eating of course grown food is the answer to each health conundrums. in addition often people ar swayed to prescription drug. Drugs have cheek effects, organic foods do not, unless a lusty gain of vitamins screams problem. sequence and time again, eating chemical toler ant food has proven to be the last resolution in the ridding off plaguing medical problems from the pain of Arthritis to the bitter sprawling of Cancer. Our food should be our medicinal drug. Our medicine should be our food Hippocrates. Ultimately, I believe in innate bread. I believe in the form of watching the cookrs bake bread. I believe in baking your own bread. iodine tends to gain a certain compass for the simplicity of subjective bread: flour, yeast, salt, and water. The perfume fills the house with sore accomplishment; and as it cools, the golden-brown crust cracks to undo the airy legerity of its holey insides.
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