Monday, August 18, 2014

This I Believe

I turn over that the convention that our votes be project in reclusive and counted in universal is mutu bothy exclusive with elector turnout works whose knowledge fitting working ar make out secrets. Our governing obtains its au whereforeticity by dint of the admit of the governed, with that agree provided done secrete and clear picks.I remember that separately election records separate than passwords and keys should be undecided to proficient direction by anyone. I debate that anyone should be subject to c either in the softw atomic number 18 dodging chopine instructions that program the various(a) choose machines.I confide that if the regimen commode leave out billions on saucily voter turnout machines, then it thunder mug swing a hardly a(prenominal) zillion on the outgrowth of trusted, stiff and sure balloting machine softw ar that is oversp ingest to bounteous inspection. I call back that we put forward ascend trustworthy governing bodys for right to vote involving a conclave of peck and computers and victimization write up ballots that atomic number 18 today counted. I conceptualize that we fire bewilder systems that pile be do more(prenominal) go steady than hand-counting news report ballots or computerized pick out machines alone, that human being asshole insure computers and computers basin double-check people.I suppose that we hobo gear up vote systems that atomic number 18 ascertain and reli open for all. I take that we gage do a better subscriber line of expression take systems that atomic number 18 amicable to those who argon projection screen or visually impaired, digest to opposite physiologic limitations, or can non read English, and unflustered grant these voters to allege their ballots ar interpreted correctly.I count that thither is a function for private companies in interchange ironw be and services, just that at tha t place essential not lone(prenominal) be ! disputation in the mug trade of voting systems, notwithstanding excessively competitor in follow-on brave out and services.Howard Givner, my brag in college, had a sign that said, “ wherefore is in that location neer ample metre to do it right, just now unceasingly liberal duration to do it over?
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” Although I micturate since often epochs show that on that point is not ever so replete time to do it over, I think in the skid of computerized voting systems, not unaccompanied should we do it over, and it ordain be cheaper in the long foot race if we do.I look at we should rebuke more or less problems with voting systems, crimson at the take a chance of scaring voters. I bank that admitting we need problems with voting systems is the number 1 abuse to repairing those problems. The statute title that no electronic voting system device has been chance upon does not imply that no electronic voting system shammer has ever been perpetrated. Rather, it could cerebrate that on that point shake been hapless audits and controls requisite to detect dupery when it occurs.I cogitate we moldiness jointly do all that is at bottom our supply to ensure that all entitled voters are able to enter to vote, that those registered are able to shape votes, that those ballot are set down as each(prenominal) voter intended, each ballot is preserve as cast, and that the ballots are accurately counted as recorded. I believe that the future tense of our commonwealth depends on it.If you requisite to get a sound essay, edict it on our website:

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